5 mistakes in pursuing a keto diet

The Keto diet is becoming more popular among people who want to lose weight. This is a low-fat starch diet, which is completely different from our traditional diet. However, not everyone who follows the ketone diet will get sick. Sometimes, if you do n’t know Keto well, you will encounter unfortunate strong opposition.

Mistake 1: Insufficient fat

Most of us think that fat is bad for your health. Eating too much fat increases the risk of heart disease. But will ketones use fat to lose weight? Many of you will find it strange and frightening to eat a lot of fat. You must eat about 75% of the fat every day to successfully use the Keto diet. Therefore, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of natural fat from olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.

Mistake 2: Choose the wrong fat type

Another common mistake in "Quito believers" is the use of the wrong type of fat. You should completely avoid the fat in vegetable or seed oil. The correct type of fat must be fish oil, saturated fat (animal fat, butter, coconut oil) and monounsaturated fat (olive oil).

Mistake 3: Eat too much protein

Many people have misunderstood that the ketone diet is eating a lot of meat to get the necessary fat. In fact, when you eat a lot of meat, you not only consume fat, but also get a lot of protein. Excess protein will be converted to glycogen. If there is too much glycogen, the body will not become ketosis. Therefore, eating high-protein foods during weight loss also requires special attention.
Error four: burn the stage

Ketones are not a quick weight loss program. This is a lifestyle that can help you change your eating habits. If you cannot guarantee a keto diet for a long time, you will not get the expected results.

Mistake 5: Not eating enough vegetables

Many people stop eating vegetables after following the ketone diet. This is a serious mistake because if you do not get enough vitamins, fiber and minerals, you may feel sick, cramp or constipation.
