What is the difference between a dirty ketone diet and a clean ketone?

The Ketogen diet (Keto) is a low-fat, high-fat diet. A ketogen diet is suitable for everyone, including people with type 2 diabetes.

There are two types of ketone diets, dirty ketones and clean ketones. This article will help you understand and distinguish between these two types and apply yourself in the best way possible.
What is clean ketone?

Clean Ketone has a high distribution and even high quality, nutritious foods, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Carbohydrate deficiency causes ketosis, a condition in which the body burns a lot of fat. The greatest effect of this condition is weight loss, sugar reduction, health promotion ...

Clean keto foods include beef, eggs, seafood, olive oil and green vegetables. Carbohydrate-rich foods include cereals, rice, potatoes, bread, pasta and most fruits.

Limit processed foods.

What is dirty ketone?

Dirty ketones are ketones that allow processed foods to be supplied with preservatives. Used by people who don't have time. Dirty ketone mode causes the human body to fall into a state of ketosis, which brings about the effectiveness of the ketone regime. However, because it is a processed food, there are many preservatives that are harmful to blood pressure and other additives, such as sodium. Dirty ketones are low in carbohydrates and high in fat.

A dirty ketone diet also causes the body to fall into ketosis, making it difficult to maintain. Your body may still lack the necessary nutrients compared to clean ketone therapy.

The main differences are:

The clean keto diet is mainly used for whole grain foods rich in fat and nutrition, while the dirty diet is larger and can be loaded with processed foods and sodium more conveniently. Additives.

Clean Ketone has a variety of foods that are easy to cook and meet your daily appetite.
A great source of fat: grass-fed beef, chicken thighs, salmon, tuna, shellfish, eggs, full-fat Greek yogurt, fresh cheese.

Low-carb vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, green beans, peppers, zucchini, cauliflower, celery.

A certain number of berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries

Fat sources: Butter made from grass-fed beef, ghee, avocado, coconut oil, MCT oil, olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil.

Nuts, nut butters: nuts: walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, hemp, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds.

Cheese (medium): cheddar, cream cheese, gouda, swiss, green, mango.

Drinks: Water, carbonated mineral water, unsweetened soda, green tea, tea, coffee, protein shakes, milk substitutes of animal origin, vegetable juice, kombucha.


The keto diet is a low-fat, high-fat diet with many health benefits.

Both clean and dirty ketones help burn fat and consume energy instead of carbohydrates, but the ingredients are different. The clean version focuses on nutritious foods, while the dirty version focuses on processed foods.

Therefore, it is best not to pollute ketones. Clean Ketones provide the body with the micronutrients necessary to create a healthier and fuller diet.
